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The success formula of building an American dream requires many major resource components. Therefore, United Partners Global Ventures offers the following professional services to help our client initiating their American dream. While they may not be equally important to each client, we do believe that each one of them can directly contribute to your foundation of success in the United States. UPGV partners with leaders in each industry and help you build one successful block at a time!


International Legal And Business Consulting
We offer unique international legal and management consultation for our international clients looking for creating winning competitive edge and effective U.S. and overseas expansion, including:
Legal Consultation
  • International law, real estate, taxation, commercial laws
  • International asset management, family wealth management, merge & acquisition
Management Consulting
  • Corporate strategy: industry trend analysis, competitive study, business model
  • Organization management: create and improve international human resource, finance, sales & marketing, supply chain management system
  • Task execution: perform executive duties and manage task transition
Investment & Wealth Management
We partner with reputable industry leaders and introduce customized investment planning, help out clients establish investment entities and evaluate venture options and decisions. We help manage investment risk and decrease tax burden, so the value of your hard-earned asset can be maximized. Most importantly, we offer creative solutions to ensure your investment can continue to grow, and can be sustained and passed on as your personal legacy to the next generation. Our services include:
U.S. and Overseas Investment Planning and Evaluation
  • Customize your international investment blue print depending on the investment purpose, capital requirement and risk preference.
  • Based on economic and industry trends, assist our client in creating or evaluating investment ventures
  • Represent venture and investor in establishing investment structure, ownership and management roles
  • Assist in obtaining local government resource
Venture Management
Represent investors in supervising and managing venture progress, financial performance and risk situations.
Wealth Management and Transition
Establish overseas family trust and tax planning to protect overseas personal and business asset, as well as wealth transition.
International Trading Regulation
We specialize in international trades regulations, and assist our clients in reducing or removing U.S. import restriction by meeting legal and business requirements with the following services:
FDA Import Alert Red List Removal
  • Provide professional legal and business service assisting foreign factories and importers to establish requirements to remove import alert
  • Organize import documents, lab analysis report and create corrective action and preventive plan as a complete response package; represent client and manage direct correspondence with FDA officers. 
Anti-Dumping Law Case Management
  • Assist in completing anti-dumpling questionnaire from Department of Commerce, preparing industry and market data, as well as company cost and pricing structure as favorable evidence to reduce import duty.
  • Assist in managing timely response to the investigation and determination from US International Trade Commission (ITC) during preliminary and final phase.
  • Assist in final review and evidence collection
U.S. Work Visa and Immigration Visa Services
With a clear focus of international investment and wealth management, as well as the benefit of expanding your overseas business market, we provide specialized legal services to assist you in U.S. immigration planning, and offer an effective business management process to enhance your business entity’s performance and manage the investment risk alone the way.
EB-5 Direct Investment
  • Professional legal and business consultation of EB-5 projects
  • Assist client in creating customized investment venture or evaluating existing venture options
  • Create professional business plan meeting USCIS EB-5 requirements
  • Represent client in managing and supervising venture progress to ensure venture’s legal status and profitability
L-1 Business Visa
  • Assist client in planning U.S and overseas company structure and forming strategic business model
  • Effectively set up U.S. business entities
  • Enhance U.S. company’s competitive edge by offering critical management system, such as finance, marketing & sales, supply chain and human resource
  • Provide legal and management expertise to help client in sustaining U.S. company’s legal records and business activities
  • Transfer visa to permanent resident status
Looking for investing in commercial real estate, or buying a dream private residence or a vacation home in the U.S.? We are California licensed broker, providing professional real estate research, recommendation and purchased customized to your wealth management plan, and ensure your investment is legally protected.    
U.S. Commercial and Residential Real Estate Purchase
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